
Envy, Bitterness, Denial: Part 3

This is a continuation of Part 2, looking at an opinion piece published by the NYT.

White Women, Come Get Your People

In Part 2 I continued on with the article and demonstrated that there is a binary being created with men on one side and women on the other. While my assertion of that binary may have seemed a stretch with only what was in the article up to that point, even the most skeptical will be satisfied in due time.

There's no way to unpack everything that's been said and what it means in a short fashion, this article just hits so many buttons at the same time.

Without further ado, let's continue the article a bit more.

They’re more sympathetic to Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, who actually shooed away a crowd of women and told them to “grow up.” Or Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, whose response to a woman telling him she was raped was: “I’m sorry. Call the cops.”

These are the kind of women who think that being falsely accused of rape is almost as bad as being raped. The kind of women who agree with President Trump that “it’s a very scary time for young men in America,” which he said during a news conference on Tuesday. But the people who scare me the most are the mothers, sisters and wives of those young men, because my stupid uterus still holds out some insane hope of solidarity.

Note that the behavior of the women "shooed away" doesn't matter. Note that telling a possible rape victim to do the very thing that would bring some measure of justice against her rapist is dismissed as being dismissive.

Note that the consequences of a false rape accusation are swept under the rug because "being raped" is so much worse. Note that the risks a man takes in associating with women, given how domestic abuse, family courts, and divorce laws are all tilted in favor of women, are meaningless.

Women who sympathize with the genuine struggles of men are "gender traitors". Women who agree with a man on how to handle a circumstance are "gender traitors". Women who notice the preferential legal treatment of women, and how other women can exploit that inappropriately and selfishly, are "gender traitors".

Because the article's author's uterus thinks that women are supposed to only agree with women. Or something. Let's continue the article a bit more.

We’re talking about white women. The same 53 percent who put their racial privilege ahead of their second-class gender status in 2016 by voting to uphold a system that values only their whiteness, just as they have for decades. White women have broken for Democratic presidential candidates only twice: in the 1964 and 1996 elections, according to an analysis by Jane Junn, a political scientist at the University of Southern California.

Right, so at this point we're more clearly talking about gender, not behavior, as the "problem". Specifically, about how white women didn't vote in ways that benefited non-white women. In case you doubt that this is a racial issue as well as a gender issue, just continue reading.

Women of color, and specifically black women, make the margin of difference for Democrats. The voting patterns of white women and white men mirror each other much more closely, and they tend to cast their ballots for Republicans. The gender gap in politics is really a color line.

Colored women want to dress slutty and vote Democrat, and so because since white women vote Republican and tell their daughters to dress modestly, they're "gender traitors" for choosing to align with white men instead of colored women because the colored women also have a uterus.

It gets better. Or worse, depending on your perspective.

That’s because white women benefit from patriarchy by trading on their whiteness to monopolize resources for mutual gain. In return they’re placed on a pedestal to be “cherished and revered,” as Speaker Paul D. Ryan has said about women, but all the while denied basic rights.

White women get married and their husbands work to provide for their wife and family, and in turn they're cherished and revered by their husbands and children. That's a bad trade because the white men are denying all women "basic rights".

The 19th amendment was adopted in 1920. Title IX has been in place since 1972. Which "basic rights" are being denied? We don't actually get to find out. For the same reason that the stories of sexual assault are to be believed and acted upon, the assertion that basic rights are being denied has to be taken as true at face value and then acted upon.

Even worse, let's look at the phrase "monopolize resources" in the context of taxes. Democrats support using taxes to put money where it needs to go on the premise that, left to their own devices, people would be too selfish to share their money. Republicans are already on the record as giving more charitably than Democrats, and so they favor fewer taxes and greater freedom on part of the individual family unit in deciding how to spend resources.

Guess which one of these paths is more attractive to someone who isn't married, doesn't have someone who would work hard towards their "mutual benefit", and believes that other people aren't sharing their money correctly and so they have to vote for people who will take that money and redistribute it by force?

At this point in the article, you have to realize that the politics and shaming are a clever front, a sham, a distraction from the real problem: the author simply can't find a man who wants her, and because of that, her politics reflect her need find a replacement for the role that men played to her "mutual benefit".

Think about it. Why would you have a problem with how someone else found happiness and contentment unless you cannot also take advantage of that opportunity because of choices someone else made without considering you? Why, other than envy, would someone try to tear down what others have built instead of building their own accomplishments instead?

Even in the secular world, the phrase "living well is the best revenge" holds some meaning, right?

This is the power of a victim identity over people. At no point can they ever stop being the victim, and not just them, but any who are demographically similar to them must also be victims, otherwise the demands being made would have no moral weight at all. If you've been wronged, you are supposed to seek justice, right? If a whole group of people have been wronged, then the scope of th justice scales, right?

It's the difference between a childish tantrum and a legitimate demand for justice, and oh boy, does it continue on in Part 4.

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