
When war has been declared, act like it.

Last week there were fake bombs used in a false flag to drum up support for Democrats just prior to the mid-term elections.

These devices were identified as fake rather quickly because they were illogically constructed, folks took pictures for social media before calling in the bomb squads, and these devices could not actually harmed the "intended targets" because those people never actually open their own mail. This is the equivalent of a gun whose only function is to extend a flag with the word "boom" on it. Even so, the event was touted as further evidence that the current President needs to do things differently.

So what happens when the scare isn't fake?

Most false flags aren't fakes at all.

Here's a list of 42 known false flag operations.

Look at the list. People died. Governments, both "good" and "bad" guys in the historical narratives, are present and accounted for.

In almost every case, the acts were done to provide a "moral high ground" for an aggressor to have their subsequent actions justified. If you've just been attacked by someone, then who is going to interfere with your actions to defend yourself? They'd be allying themselves with those who just attacked you!

Look at how frequently a simplistic mindset shows up in the justifications. Look at how frequently personal reasons are used as the cover for political ones.

"We did something we knew was wrong and then were going to blame someone else for it because we couldn't otherwise justify doing what we wanted to in the first place."

Even scripture has a fairly well known story about this, when Joseph accused his brothers of stealing and imprisoned the youngest, who was found with "stolen goods", when Joseph had actually planted the "stolen" goods.

The reason these types of manipulation work is because we are not primarily rational creatures, so when an offense has occurred, our instinct is not to investigate and discern what needs to be done, but to react. Our instinct is to right the wrongs and settle things, and the "false flag" hopes to evoke such an emotional response that nobody takes a closer look at the circumstance to determine what the correct course of action should be.

The name itself is a literal one, from the time when ships on the sea would run the wrong flags to confuse and disorient other ships.

After the fake bomb scare, someone shot up a Jewish synagogue, and there are 8 dead and more injured.

Now, why am I framing that shooting alongside false flags?

Look at one of the responses to the shooting.
“Our Jewish community is not the only group you have targeted,” the group wrote. “You have also deliberately undermined the safety of people of color, Muslims, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities. Yesterday’s massacre is not the first act of terror you incited against a minority group in our country.”

Trump was fiercely criticized after he failed to condemn white supremacy and asserted that there is “blame on both sides” after last year’s deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va.

The group said Trump is not welcome in the city until he also stops targeting minorities, immigrants and refugees.

Does this sound personally motivated or politically motivated? Put differently, were they specifically targeted, or were political groups they belong to, or are aligned with, targeted?

As before, how often did known false flags have predominantly political implications?

Is their goal to get justice for a specific incident, or to affect a more sweeping change that goes beyond the incident?

Let's divert the train of thought for a bit. I've shared this video before. If you have not watched this video, you need to before you can understand what is going on in this country. You need to understand all the possibilities before you can be sure and take any action, because if you think that how a person behaves in their day-to-day describes the entirety of their capacity, you are woefully ignorant.

Also, in case you didn't read it, Israel showed up on that list.

Israel was at war with Egypt when it hatched a plan in 1954 to ruin its rapprochement with the United States and Britain by firebombing sites frequented by foreigners in Cairo and Alexandria.

But Israeli hopes the attacks, which caused no casualties, would be blamed on local insurgents collapsed when the young Zionist bombers were caught and confessed at public trials. Two were hanged. The rest served jail terms and emigrated to Israel.
 So, let's do some simple math.

In a population of an estimated 325.98 million, or 325,980,000 let's presume that, based on Derren Brown's experiment, only a very small portion of a percentage of the population is susceptible to such programming, but those that are will do nearly anything you've programmed them to do, including kill people when your "normal" personality is quite the antithesis of violent or aggressive.

If it's .0001% of the population, that still puts us at about 325 people, 6 per state, if you spread them out. If it's .001% of the population, that is 3250 people, 60 per state, and so on and so forth.

Even seemingly tiny odds amidst a big enough population exposes that we are living in a rather volatile time where peace and civility are more of a coincidence than a result of any intentional effort.

So, how many people are usually involved in a "mass shooting" in the USA? Is it more or less than 6? More or less than 60? Are there enough people that an entire "movement" could be faked to support their own narratives?

When the fake bomb scare apparently failed to move the needle, in that even within 24 hours it was apparent that the reaction desired did not occur, what do you think would happen next if folks believe that the political changes they desire are so important to start running false flags? To try to go beyond merely making new policies available to choose and moving to the extent of trying to persuade and manipulate the mob in order to achieve their goals?

They would escalate. Just look at what happened with women's suffrage in the UK over a hundred years ago:
In 1913 some Suffragettes began to resort to the tactic of small bombs. In February 1913 Lloyd George's week-end cottage which was in the process of being built, was target of a small explosion, and in June 1914 a bomb was placed beside the Coronation Chair in Westminster Abbey. It exploded causing slight damage to the chair and the 'Stone of Destiny' below it. Several other bombs planted including one in St Paul's Cathedral, and near the Bank of England.

When any political group ever desires more power, they will follow a very specific path of escalation when they don't get what they want, until the cost of continuing is beyond what they can afford to pay. This is why parents will often start taking away existing toys of a child throwing a tantrum because they can't get a new one, because they are increasing the cost of continuing behavior on the child to then change the motivations of the child.

Does anyone still wonder why positive reinforcement alone fails to raise children into mature adults?

As Clausewitz said "War is a mere continuation of policy by other means."

Realize that if it's important enough to escalate at all, and they can "afford it", then they will, and they have hundreds, if not thousands, of people around the country on tap who could commit terrible acts that are completely outside their normal character, and that presumes the need for those folks in the first place because they cannot draw from within their own political groups to achieve a goal.

Folks will presume that their victory will surely be just around the next corner. And then the next. And then the next. They just need to try a little bit harder and then everything will fall into place, and just as their efforts grow, so will the animosity for those who, even by appearance alone, stand against them. They've put in so much work so far, it's not that much more. They've put in so much work so far, it would be such a tragedy to see it all go to waste!

A false flag is a means to try and justify further actions being taken which would otherwise be completely inappropriate without the context of "responding to a hostile aggressor". It's for when folks want to take action but don't want the optics of it to be against them.

It's something people do when they've already contemplated doing more but cannot yet justify it.


So immediately following the fake bomb scare, a Jewish synagogue gets shot up, and various political groups immediately start making political demands of the President?

We're supposed to believe that an apparently maligned and victimized political group can now make these demands because of this shooting, and past events, and these demands are made before all the details of the investigation have taken place?

We're in a cold civil war, which is only being recognized and acted on at all by one "side" of the conflict. And that "side" doesn't have much power in our current administration.

So how far are they willing to go to change that? They're the only ones that truly know, and the administration has done everything they can to try and defuse the situation.

They'll only end up making it worse. Like Icarus on wings of wax, the higher we fly the farther we fall as a consequence of our hubris.

I'd prefer a negotiated split over no negotiations and "to the victor goes the spoils".

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