
Public schools are asexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction is when two members of a species combine their genetics to produce children, and their children will possess traits of both parents.

Asexual reproduction is when a single member of a species breaks off some of their self-replicating genetics to produce offspring, and that offspring will be largely identical to the single parent.


Homeschooling is when two parents combine their wisdom and knowledge to produce adults, and that adult will possess traits of both parents.

Public schools take groups of children and put them under the care of a teacher, with the intent that all the students will become identical to the teacher.


They started at "the end", with college and career, and have been working backwards to complete their "alternative system".

Their ideal would be to produce offspring without sexual interactions at all. They see that as "progress".

That is also the only way for "equality" to ever work, if every individual is literally identical in every way, like a strain of virus or bacteria, not requiring anyone else from the strain in order to successfully compete for survival in the material world.

These are the kinds of atomized and individualistic delusions that people who can't, or won't, compete as a sexually reproducing species cling to.

Homeschool your biological children. The human species, as designed by God, cannot survive without that specific combination.

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