
The Division 2 Closed Alpha

I didn't pay attention to my emails and missed out, and there's an NDA on it anyway, but I will try to do a better job of paying attention when either the next alpha round comes or the beta stuff starts.

Ubisoft has been making some rather peculiar choices regarding settings, themes, and story, and the developer for this game is based out of Sweden, which to put mildly isn't doing as well as say, Poland or Hungary.

I enjoyed the first game, it make an indelible mark on me and it is a game that still gives me chills.

The trailer for the second one is already promising to be at least as disturbing, because what they're basically doing is looking into the future of the USA after SHTF. The first game was looking at the immediate aftermath, and I think this one is about 6 months after that one.

Of course, the specific apocalypse in the first game was inherently apolitical, and both the good and bad guy factions played to the "colorblind" Civic Nationalist script without fail, so it will be interesting to see if they keep that up. First game had "Diversity & Inclusion" as well, but it was rather subtle and easy to miss.

Check the trailer if you want to see what I mean about all of that.

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