
2019 Resolutions

Since a number on the calendar which doesn't change quite as often as all the others changed, it must be time to revisit life goals and recommit myself to their accomplishment.

I once overheard a story, and I forget the context, but the long and short of it was that a lot of people were trying to get married on a particular date, and in giving a reason why, one person had said they wanted to get married on that date because it was "really unique". The retort that stuck with me went something like "but so is every other date, by design, so that we can keep track of them individually".

Today I celebrated the birth of my savior Jesus Christ. I also celebrated it yesterday, and I will likely celebrate it tomorrow as well. Every day that I am alive is another day I can celebrate having been saved from eternal damnation by a loving and good God, just like how "Church" isn't supposed to be a "repent on Sunday and return to sin on Monday" sort of arrangement.

I also mourn the tragedy of his death, and what the necessity of it says about humanity.

I am thankful for his resurrection, and for the hope that I have in God's promises being fulfilled.

That Jesus Christ was born, died, and rose again is not something that changes from day to day. That his works on the cross have provided a means by which I can be forgiven of my sins and reconciled to God indefinitely is not something that is only true once a week, or once a month, or once a year.

On the more material side of things, one sinful behavior I will confess in front of the small handful that do seem to come around is that I do not take care of God's temple, and while advanced technology certainly distracts from the problem, the issue is due to laziness and sloth on my part.

I have accepted the lie that dying slowly to chemicals which will take decades for their consequences to play out is somehow morally neutral, given residence to the "nobody really knows so what can it hurt" sort of thinking. That is wrong.

We know enough that I can make better choices on what I eat and how I spend my time.

By this time next year I should weigh less, eat more predictably and intentionally, and have a better physical wellness. Given that muscle and fat don't weigh the same thing, citing a number won't say much about whether or not I am actually healthy.

I also need to diversify revenue streams in that, while my income is not currently subject to the whims of the mob, that won't be the case for much longer, and so I need to be planning ahead to ensure the reliable provision for my family.

Whether that means trying to find a similarly insulated career or embracing the mob directly I do not know, but I need to be ready and able to pursue the paths that are available to me.

That's it. Celebrate truth every day, care for God's temple, and be a better steward of the talents and opportunities that God has put before me.

Oh, and perhaps find someone who would assist in holding me accountable for those things. Lots of folks I know are superficial creatures, and want to remain so, so the idea of an accountability partner on such things is not appealing to them at all. Lack of external accountability shouldn't be an excuse to avoid improvement, but it would certainly help motivate it nonetheless.

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