
The difference between satire and honesty

Weaving satire and genuine thoughts together in a miasma of vape smoke, lined with a Russian accent. The kind of guy you can't link to directly because he pissed off the right people so the search algorithms to embed don't work correctly.


Don't become fixated on a guru because you like them personally, rather instead gather the data and information and, especially because there is likely no possibility for any personal relationship with that guru, move on. They don't have time for you, you don't have time for them, don't feel bad when you've taken what they gave away "for free", and then found another guru on the same topic.

The only person you don't do this with is Jesus Christ, and that's at least in part because you can have a personal relationship, but also because everyone else, EVERYONE ELSE has ulterior motives in this life, so while you can enjoy and appreciate when those motives align with yours, one cannot be shocked or surprised when fallible humans demonstrate fallibility.

Learn, try, fail or succeed, learn more, keep trying, keep working. The process alone provides rewards as much as the results from the process, and finding others to come alongside and share that process with, even if just for a time, can make even the most dreadful circumstances the stuff of nostalgia.

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