After some more pondering, I want to expand on the significance of the phrase "Trust The Plan" oft repeated by Q.
The contrast I want to draw is with that of biblical prophesy, paralleling the contrast between the two ends of the spectrum on determinism. Prophecy is a tricky topic to the extent that one believes the future is or isn't already determined. If the future is, then prophecy is sharing a glimpse of the future. If the future isn't, then prophecy is a glimpse of a possible future.
The reason this is important is because people make plans based on a possible future that they'd like to see manifest. Their ability to accurately predict future states and the steps they'd need to take to actualize that possible future determines their probability of success, and so if one views the future as entirely undetermined, then planning and prophecy are going to be indistinguishable. One, on this mindset, only speaks of what could come to pass, and only coincidentally what actually will.
The alternative, if the future is predetermined and set, is that there is a tangible difference between a plan and a prophecy. I can make a plan to manifest a particular set of circumstances, and if there is one who knows what the future will look like they could elect to reveal it to me for various reasons, but I am otherwise not sharing the future when I share a plan, just a possible one. The future could be known, I'd just need to draw from one who did know it for my plans and my goals to be elevated to the level of prophesies.
In this sense, biblical prophesies speak to a predetermined future. When God says that something is going to happen, it's not just a possibility, it's a revelation from what God has already seen what will come to pass. Time is a trait of our created reality, it is something that began to exist and while we can't escape it in this life, God is already beyond time. As such, the limitations of our consciousness created by our linear experience of time make it very difficult to understand God's perspective, but there is an analogy which can help us begin to grasp this.
Consider the children's book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." The story exists, it's written, and in reading the story you are not constrained to go through the pages in any particular order. As a reader of the book, you are not constrained by the limitations of the narrative of that book either. You can imagine the caterpillar doing other things, you can read it from the end back to the beginning, but from the perspective of the caterpillar, the story has a definitive beginning and end and progresses linearly.
You sit, with respect to that book, in the same position as God does relative to our reality.
Our "story" has a definitive beginning and end, and for us inside that story we experience it linearly as the caterpillar does his own, but for God there is no restriction on where God can exist within that "story". God can show up at any point, God can "skip to the end", and so forth, all because the reality that we exist in is contained and created by God, in much the same way that Eric Carle created and contained the story of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar".
So, in getting back to the main contrast, many folks treat "Trust The Plan" as if it is a prophetic statement, accurately predicting what the future will really be, instead of exactly what it really is, a declaration that there is a plan, and Q no more knows the future than any of us. It is, when you think about it, an rather benign statement, except for, like the namesake concept for this blog, the context in which it has been applied.
Specifically, in the more informational Q posts, to the degree that they are true they demand a reaction. If the human trafficking, child abuse and sacrifice, cultural corruption and demonic influence throughout the country are all true, then a reaction is required, if not demanded, such that this evil can be rooted out of our country before any genuine peace can be negotiated among those who are trying to avoid and mitigate sin instead of enjoying or enabling it.
The problem for Q is that vigilantism won't solve the problems at the civilization level. While symptoms of the problem, the specific people partaking in or benefiting from such deviant mechanisms, could be punished, that won't deal with the actual problem that inspired and cultivated such behavior in the first place. While action needs to be taken, it can't just be anything, it needs to be thought out, and most people who are receiving information about how bad things have gotten are like "new converts", filled with passion but without proper context and understanding.
one who rules his own house well, having his children in submission with all reverence (for if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God?); not a novice, lest being puffed up with pride he fall into the same condemnation as the devil. - 1 Timothy 3:4-6 (NKJV)
Most folks who are on the "Q Anon" train are only recently becoming aware of the true nature of the evils that have befallen Western Civilization due to apathy and misplaced compassion. Most folks have households which reflect their own sinful participation in the dysfunction of modern and postmodern philosophies with respect to the nuclear family, public education, the purpose and role of politics, and the understanding of the connection between identity, culture, and politics.
Most folks are still being weaned off milk and cannot handle solid foods, they are immature in their minds and in their spirit, so for them to take action right now in response to the depravity at their doorstep would bring judgment on them for their presumptive arrogance in the same way that Satan was for his own hubris. Righteous indignation is not wrong, but without maturity, an individual will not know how to act out on it appropriately, and so it would be better that they simple listen and learn from those with more maturity, and wait to take any action till after they've grown up some more.
This is why "Trust The Plan" should not be viewed as prophecy, it is not indicating that our trust should entirely lay on Q and those Q speaks for, and that we have no work required of us in the meantime. Q wants us to "Trust The Plan" because Q and the folks Q speaks for have an intent to try and do something about the evil they have uncovered, but the average citizen is largely unprepared to handle.
Q needs people to be aware of what has happened, what is happening, to educate people as to why certain actions are done, but this is not to say "we have it all handled" as much as "we're doing something and you aren't ready to participate yet."
This doesn't mean that Q's plan is good, that it'll actually work, or anything of that sort. It's not a biblical prophecy, not given to us from God, such that we can rely on it, put our hope and faith in it, and start looking for indications as to whether it has been satisfied in "our times", or treated with anything resembling such reverence.
"Trust The Plan" is a simple mantra to ensure that those who are not mature enough to handle any subtlety or sophistication, to be able to manage the critical thinking skills required to eventually participate, don't get any ideas that there is a "call to action", because any actions they'd take will actually do more harm than good.
Vigilantism, especially right now, isn't going to change the direction the country is headed on. The inertia built over the past few centuries cannot be changed with a single action, and many of what people would think to do to "bring justice" would not divert the direction at all, but simply add to it even more.
Just look at how many folks struggle applying the distinction between rhetoric and dialectic. Sure folks can parrot definitions, but the number of folks who can then go beyond understanding what they are and do something with them, to demonstrate excellence and true understanding of them, is still very very small. If folks cannot handle these basic communication skills, to know that what they say and how they say it matters, how is anyone to believe that these same folks would understand the impact of public executions or "mob justice"?
"Trust The Plan" might then accurately be completed with "...because even if our plan fails, it is still better than any of your knee-jerk reactionary attempts at justice will be."
Whoever Q is, they're trying to do something, and they're trying to inform people as to why they are doing what they're doing, so folks aren't caught off-guard with a lack of context for those actions. Q is drip-feeding some details of their plans, but not ever intending to act as a prophecy, because people are fallible and their plans still might fail, and that doesn't even account for the fact that Q has outright stated that they use disinformation in their posts because everyone, and not just those whose interests they are trying to work for, is going to get the exact same message at the same time.
Can't say it enough, "Trust The Plan" is not prophecy, it does not excuse any current or future action on part of the individual, and so people need to treat Q in that manner, by first trying to properly shoulder responsibilities that have been shirked for generations. If future circumstances do call on individuals with particular skill sets, folks need to already possess and have honed those skills so they can be of use, but their focus right now should not be on taking action, but growing in the maturity and capability so that when called upon, they can do the most good.
Pray, meme, prepare, so that you are physically, mentally, and spiritually ready to do what will be required.
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