Resource abundance removes selective pressures, makes survival easier for everyone, and because we are naturally efficient creatures, we're not inclined to waste time and energy on anything not required of us.
For the same reason that we must fake physical strain and toil through exercise because our lives do not otherwise require such efforts, we must also synthetically apply intellectual struggle to separate out the good ideas from the bad. These are all externally motivated, because of the truth behind the phrase "ignorance is bliss".
So, all that said, when I bother to actually go look at the raw posts, and see something like #2526, it's a useful reminder that, just like Trump's Presidency, nothing is guaranteed in this life when it comes to human affairs. People make plans, but people are fallible, and so while they may be useful, you should not place your hope in them.
But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. And the Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth. - Genesis 11:5-9 (NKJV)If God didn't think too highly of a unified world, why should we?
"People are inherently good."
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. - Romans 1:20-23 (NKJV)From a dialectic standpoint, these claims are just absurd, especially as Q has a penchant for using the framing of spiritual warfare, making overtly religious statements, and even citing verses from scripture and so forth.
It's because people are not inherently good that we were kicked out of Eden. Adam, because he was pussy-whipped and cowardly, and Eve, for being gullible and greedy enough to believe that equality with God could, or should, be attained. These two existed before propaganda, before the Frankfurt School, before (((mass media))), before death, before war, before sin had entered the human sphere.
And they still screwed it up. The belief that humanity is "inherently good" requires subscription to delusions which are destructive and suicidal, and this is magnified in that God never found human unity a good thing, because about the only thing that ever reliably unified humans was their opposition to God, taking up arms with their brothers and sisters in rebellion, convinced that this time, this time for sure, their efforts will be successful in overthrowing God.
But, all that said, Q is an avatar of rhetoric, so trying to use a dialectical measure is a bit stupid.
Q is trying to act as a unifying force for "the right", because it currently sits so fractured by arbitrary and irrelevant distinctions that it can be systematically destroyed, and this process was going to be so quick and decisive that "the left" had to go so far as to recruit actors to "play resistance" against them just so that the speed of the defeat was easier for people to stomach.
Oh, we sure fought hard, campaigned and donated as best we could, but in the end we lost fair and square, so let's welcome our new overlords with happiness and not get any ideas about rejecting the authoritarian system we all apparently wanted and needed.
About the only saving grace for "the right" is that, as discussed in the opening, because the resistance against "the left" was fake, their actual skills in undermining "the right", in directing the narratives, in having the patience to implement Fabian strategies, rotted away because they didn't really need those skills any longer.
Gone is the ability to craft a convincing narrative to distract people from what is really going on, because not having needed to be creative, their knee-jerk reactions to try and explain the disparities between what they claimed and what is being observed don't bridge the gap anymore. When the bad consequences of their choices was insulated, contained, always in someone else's city, or state, or neighborhood, it was easy for folks to continue to buy the narrative. To believe that, despite rumors to the contrary, what was claimed is what could be expected.
But the gap is too big now. The consequences are in everyone's face, and the ability for "the left" to weave their fables in a pleasing manner, the spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down, is entirely absent. When a white person who has owned no slaves, and whose ancestors owned no slaves, is being told that they are implicitly racist and guilty of terrible crimes for which reparations are due, there is no "pleasing lie".
An example of a past "pleasing lie" could be seen with abortion. The lie was along the lines of "but what about rape/incest/life of mother?"
It didn't matter if 9 of 10 abortions were because the mother just didn't want to have a child, people could convince themselves that abortion remaining legal had justification.
Divorce is another example. "What about women in toxic relationships?"
Men often knew at least one guy, directly or indirectly, who treated their wives and families poorly, and so it didn't matter if 9 of 10 divorces were because the wife was bored and wanted to trade up on her husband for a new man that made more money or excited her more sexually.
Women's suffrage, legal immigration, the topics are numerous where a suitably convincing lie was told and people thought that they'd be perceived better for going along with the game instead of refusing to play, and since they wouldn't have to live with the consequences of the game, they'd figured they "got away with it".
It's in this same manner that Q is trying to exploit this same dynamic to create a unity that will last long enough to destroy "the left". Q is trying to foster unity for folks on "the right" who have been doubling down on their distinctions for generations, to get them to find common ground with each other long enough so that the plans of "the left" can be broken permanently, forcing them to start over again from scratch.
Q is going to say things that are wrong, superficial, or misleading, because when you are forming unity on more important things, there will be things you have to ignore at a "lower level" when trying to retain focus.
Given Identity > Culture > Politics, Q is going to say things that are trying to appeal to identity which may seem backwards or delusional at the cultural or political level, because it's not until there is unity at the identity level that any of those "smaller" issues could ever be dealt with in the first place.
It doesn't matter if Sessions supported asset forfeiture or marijuana laws if those things assist in breaking the plans of "the left" from coming to fruition. It doesn't matter if Trump executes civilians under martial law if it assists in breaking the plans of "the left". It doesn't matter if Whitaker should recuse himself and doesn't, if his prosecution of the evil assists in breaking the plans of "the left".
What folks need to realize is that the plans of "the left" were laid a long time ago, and until Trump came on the scene, they were well on their way to achieving their goals. Even so, Trump must either break their plans completely, or only end up being a pause button to the whole ordeal. Especially if Trump was approached by existing factions within the government who were already losing a cold civil war that they were fighting in secret, the goal for "the right" cannot be in trying to establish a more perfect political system, but to destroy the plans of their enemies.
I don't ultimately care what laws are broken by the Trump administration if he can successfully derail the demonic globalists plans. If he, and the people he is working with, and the folks behind Q, and so on, can effectively scuttle the globalist agenda, then AND ONLY THEN can the discussions about what our laws and our practices look like under normal circumstances take place.
Q is trying to warm people up to the idea that there is a war, people on the "other side" have already broken laws, and that "our side" has both the moral and pragmatic imperative to do whatever it will take to prevent these plans from coming to pass.
But people aren't ready for that yet. People don't see that we're already in a civil war yet. People are acting like discussions at the political level still matter, that discussing the merits and flaws between two largely similar political positions has a role.
People don't think we're at war, don't think the circumstances are that dire, don't think that their lives are endangered, and don't think that unity with folks they have minor disagreements with is all that important.
This is why Q is important, and useful, in that they are trying to bridge gaps with narratives people can buy into. The narratives may not actually be true, and the results of the choices may not be as advertised, but this is how people have been conditioned, by both nature and nurture, to react, to respond, to think. This is how people function, and so if we want results, we have to do what works, not just what we think should work.
The double-edged nature of this dynamic, though, is that everything Trump and the folks behind Q tries to do to foil the plans of the Neo-Babel globalists, should they fail, becomes another nail in the coffin. Another sin, another offense, another damning traitorous act against the prince of this world.
The harder you try to fight evil, the more evidence evil has that you are good, and the more passionate evil will be in trying to destroy you and everything you stand for. Evil knows its enemy and will act accordingly, and without mercy.
Q is not a savior, because Q isn't actually doing anything. It is a front, a propaganda piece, for those that are, and they are fallible humans with plans that may fail just as much as they seek to cause the failure of the plans of others.
Even if Trump succeeds, sin is still present among us, and will not be conquered until Jesus Christ returns again. So there will still be evil in the world, though its plans for our current age will certainly have been foiled, and the degree to which evil manifests could be curtailed. There will be those with silver tongues that re-learn the skills of deceit and manipulation, to hide their motives behind pleasing lies, and the process starts all over again.
Q is useful, but Q is not a savior, and so while we can cheer on the efforts of those behind Q, pray for them and our President to be successful, we should not place our hope in them, for they may fail.
Instead, we should place our hope in Jesus Christ, put our faith in his work, because we already know the ending of His story for our reality. We already know that Jesus Christ ultimately wins out against evil, and it's not even close. Evil is decimated, able to lay claim only those so foolish to have ignored the constant warnings and cautions that God had sent.
Evil does not win anyone over to "their side" at all, they capture no territory and hold onto nothing.
Good does win in the end, and should Trump and Q be truly aligned with God's work in this world, and should their success be part of the story that God seeks to tell through our times, then praise be to God.
Should their failure, and the expansion of darkness be part of the story God seeks to tell through our times, to demonstrate fully how pathetic and weak, feckless and delusional, humans are to believe that they can defeat evil without a complete reliance on God, then praise be to God.
Whether Trump or Q succeed or fail, you need to be right with God, such that regardless of what circumstances you will face in this life, your fate in eternity is never in question.
Put your faith and hope in Jesus Christ, declare Him as Lord, and call on His strength to repent.
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