...but what was once a morale booster has become an irrelevance.
The Q anon movement has one of the most difficult challenges: to save The People from themselves, without creating a messianic figurehead.
To cite a parallel in scripture:
Then one in the council stood up, a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law held in respect by all the people, and commanded them to put the apostles outside for a little while. And he said to them: “Men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what you intend to do regarding these men. For some time ago Theudas rose up, claiming to be somebody. A number of men, about four hundred, joined him. He was slain, and all who obeyed him were scattered and came to nothing. After this man, Judas of Galilee rose up in the days of the census, and drew away many people after him. He also perished, and all who obeyed him were dispersed. And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it—lest you even be found to fight against God.” - Acts 5:34-39 (NKJV)
It is not difficult to create a movement, especially if one is good at emotional alchemy. If I can understand how to convert other people's emotions into actions, then I can become quite popular and a movement will come up around me, for at least two reasons. The first reason is laziness, in that humans will by default take the path of least resistance, and so if that means anointing someone over themselves who will do what needs to be done, time and again history has showed this is exactly what people will do, even to their detriment. 1 Samuel 8 records an example of this phenomenon. Now, this laziness is not an inherently "bad" trait, in that another way to look at it would be as "efficiency", in that spending time and effort on things which do not confer a survival or reproductive advantage will obviously prevent the maximization survival and reproductive success, and so such waste should be avoided.
The second reason is the phenomenon of salvation-by-association, or its antithesis, damnation-by-association, in that the adage "it's all who you know" has some truth to it. If we are in close relationship with God, that says something about us. Who we know, who we choose to associate with, and who in return chooses to associate with us, is not insignificant. In the wild, creatures are rarely alone, and both r and K strategists have groupings of their kind. Being isolated from "your people", or "your savior", is a terrible state to be in, and the power of exile, which lives on in banning, holds such a significant connotation because of what such an act would have meant throughout human history.
My wife recently asked me about the "place in society" for narcissists, and the conversation rapidly spiraled in scope as I tried to explain how, historically, they didn't have one, but in modern times, because the cost of depravity is so low, that we are nearly forced to demonstrate narcissistic traits just to survive. That, if we are not protected from being screwed over by others by understanding how people screw other people over, we're likely to get screwed and be at a loss to understand how to behave differently to prevent such exploitation from being repeated again in the future.
That, in some ways, the best means to avert being exploited by someone else is to use their same tricks better than them, but instead of misdirecting them to your own benefit, you simply send them away so that no further exploitation is possible. You use the power of the tools to defuse the circumstances, not keep them going, lest one become intoxicated by the power they wield and become the very thing they'd sought to avoid.
So, for those two reasons, it is just easier for people to look up to someone who has such power and can use it wisely, to someone who can save them from themselves, to offload their own personal responsibility to someone else who can make the decisions for them, to place someone else in a position of authority or power so that the individual is "set free" of such burdens.
That's where Q, whoever it is, has to play a very delicate game, because to really solve the issues in the United States of America, The People need to do the opposite. Instead of putting other people in power over us, we need to own and accept responsibility for our choices. Instead of giving up power to someone else, we must grow in our own strength and maturity.
We must reject our nature and go beyond it, but how can someone inspire someone else to save themselves?
To start, a framework for needing to be saved must exist, and this was generated by Q in detailing how evil and corrupt and terrible things are, and people just don't know it yet, don't accept it, don't understand it. Without this foundation, no further actions can be made, because if there is nothing that people need saving from, then why all the fuss?
Once the framework has been set up, there must be an understanding of responsibility, how things are supposed to be based on how things are now. An example of this might be President Trump hitting a legislative wall that he cannot burst through, but instead of trying harder to do just that, he steps back, shrugs, and says "I am not supposed to be breaking this down in the first place."
To his supporters and opponents alike, this will look like weakness, like giving up, and it will inspire action.
You see, President Trump can't just solve all the problems and then walk away, because when people get things done, when someone saves someone else, a relationship forms which does not go away once all the problems have been dealt with. There will remain the shared history, the debt to be repaid, and I am willing to bet that Trump understands this and wants none of it, because it is that kind of debt which clouds reality.
So Trump, to prevent becoming King, cannot be anything more than a President, but that does not mean he cannot make a big show of the limitations, or lack thereof, for the office in which he currently serves.
Trump needs the people to understand what a President is supposed to be, how they are supposed to act, what the expectations are, because while Trump was elected by many to grenade the existing system, the emotional desire to burn it all down was going to neglect the good and the bad in the system. People weren't going to learn anything if Trump did all the work, and Trump was the "last hope" to try and fix the system from within.
If Trump "can't do it", if the system is truly beyond repair, then Trump doesn't matter. The wall doesn't matter. Draining the swamp doesn't matter.
Because all of those things only really matter, in the grand scheme, if the system will keep going as it has.
Do people really think that, when Civil War V2.0 gets started, that the existing border between the United States and Mexico won't change?
Does a system of surveillance that relies on the internet retain its power to interfere with people's privacy if there is no electricity?
Does a centralized government which has created a police state still have the ability to uphold an oppressive rule of law thousands of miles away when they cannot even communicate across a single city effectively?
These types of questions are what folks should be asking themselves. These are what should frame the reaction.
It would be great if Trump succeeds, if he can pull off all that he set out to, but if he can't, it won't really matter what he has or hasn't pulled off in the first place. He's bought people time either way, and that is a gift.
With Q then, people are getting frustrated because predictions are made but not fulfilled. Ruminations of action, but no results.
The thing is, whoever is behind Q can't be operating on any sort of different MO than President Trump. They are trying to serve a purpose, to fulfill a role in the story, but they cannot become a messiah. Q can't "save the country", but it can lay the groundwork for The People to do so themselves, or if nothing else, again, prepare them for what will come by expanding their understanding of just how depraved anyone around them could really be.
Time will tell what the fruits of Trump and the folks behind Q are, because if they're already fighting Civil War V2.0, if there's a cold war going on for the control of the throne, then the dust hasn't truly settled, we are still in the chaos and "fog of war", and it would be delusional to think that we can properly judge their actions based on the information we have available.
What looks stupid, cowardly, unwise in one moment may no longer look so when further context is added in. When perspective is gained.
And we're denied that, because we can't foresee how things will really play out.
Perhaps, in time, even electing Trump will have been considered a mistake, because had Clinton won, the patient which was already too far gone could have been left in peace instead of going through painful treatments with no hope of success. That, instead of trying to fix the system, we could already have scrapped this one and been well on the way to trying something new.
Unless you, or I, know at least as much as Trump does, as the folks behind Q do, it's from a position of ignorance that we sling our barbs, our criticisms, and so while providing feedback is not a bad thing, it must be tempered with at least the ponder of "why didn't they do what appeared obviously in their best interests to do?"
Trump still needs to hear the fervor, the passion, the support of his goals and the frustration when they are not satisfied from The People who have his back, but if nowhere but your own mind, actually disqualify the alternatives to stupidity and cowardice before presuming those completely explain what is observed.
And then make preparations of your own. And then wait and see what happens.
There's always a reason, even if it's poor, for why someone does something. Time always ends up revealing that, taking away the guesswork of mind-reading.
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